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Montevideo Verification Center (CVM) presented new services

At the last EXPOCARGA the company was present and showed its new services; To find out more about them, we spoke with Mr. Daniel Ualde, General Manager of Supramar.

How did the Montevideo Verification Center come about?

The company was created to check customs cargo of maritime origin. In the past, when red channels were decreed by Customs, companies were visited and customs personnel would check the cargo on site. This procedure was time-consuming and complicated, as comfort was not the same in all locations.

Customs thought of a new and more modern procedure by implementing a verification center, with a customs inspection team that had the facilities to verify everything that was necessary. This has been working very well for over 8 years and basically the customs verification logistics operation has already been institutionalized. Everyone has seen the ease and benefits it brings, such as transparency and cost reduction, in addition to being a significantly more agile process than the previous one. In addition, the Verification Center has evolved by providing other types of services, as it has more space.

What other services do you offer?

With a space of 6 hectares, we seek to complement the verification with other services linked to the logistics of storage of national cargo.

The Supramar logistics group, owner of CVM, has decades of experience in tax infrastructures, free trade zones and free ports, but in national logistics we only started a stable operation 6 years ago.

At that time, we started this activity with a 2,500 m2 warehouse, later we added more capacity from another location, and now we have added another 7,000 m2 on route 102, with very modern, AAA facilities, suitable for all types of cargo and companies. In addition, we have just built a 6,500 m2 yard for container handling and a parking and maneuvering yard for large fleets of vehicles, to also operate with nationalized cargo.

For this area, we have lifting and handling equipment and all of Supramar's experience in the field. In this way, the group is present in the three logistics platforms that Uruguay has: free port, free zone and logistics for national and nationalized goods, offering a full range of storage services, both for cargo and containers.

What news does CVM have to share at this time?

The next step will certainly be customs verification of land channels. CVM participated in a recent Customs bidding process for this service and we were awarded the award. After complying with certain legal and contractual procedures, we will also become a Verification Center for international land entries.

This brings many advantages for all sectors involved. Today, conditions at border crossings with Argentina and Brazil are not the best; they are limited in terms of opening hours and staff to meet the growing traffic in the region, and therefore reviewing red channels at these border crossings becomes more complex. There is a lack of facilities for complete verification, a lack of available staff, delays, increased flow and demand for spaces and services, etc.

With this new service, trucks arrive at the border and, depending on the carrier's decision, can inspect the cargo there, where it will probably take longer, or go to the CVM for customs analysis. The truck that arrives at our location can also stay overnight and use our facilities to possibly split the cargo into smaller units, with comfort and safety for drivers and cargo, etc. We expect that cargo delivery operations and the use of the vehicles themselves will be more fluid and, why not, a faster clearance that will result in more international trips per month, which is a direct benefit for carriers.


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