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Maximiliano Calvo, General Manager of Transcal S.R.L.: “You have to sell a service, not just freight”

From Argentina and for the first time, the company Transcal was present. In a large stand, with 16 members, 11 of whom came from Argentina. The Calvo Group, in addition to the transport company Transcal, includes the Uruguayan company Windelgold SA, which represents international transport companies.

To find out more about the Group, we spoke to Maximiliano Calvo, General Director of Transcal SRL.

Where does your relationship with transportation come from?

We are a family business, we are agricultural producers and also transporters. I liked the service side more than the agricultural side.

My grandparents first and my parents later, started with the international transport part and as I studied (I'm an accountant) we realized that transport was also going in another direction; You have to sell a service, not just freight.

When did you start working in Uruguay?

We have been investing in Uruguay for several years; we have been with Transcal for 50 years, and with Windelgold for 11; the latter is dedicated to representing foreign companies. This company was born out of a financial problem; we needed to raise funds more directly, those were different times, before you had a representative who gathered all your collections, this created a problem for us on the financial side. There were cases in which the deadlines were 90 and even 120 days.

Then, as time went on, we encountered a number of client issues. Occasionally, I would get into a problem and have to set up an office to resolve the issue. Once that was resolved, we told ourselves that we had to be representatives, since we already had an office and people working; this gave us another advantage.

At Windelgold we have friends who work, some who worked in fellow companies and others who were unemployed. I saw a lot of human quality, which is what we look for.

We seek to provide a logistics solution to customers, that was the generic idea, we are investing heavily in the people who make it different.

What can you tell us about Transcal?

Transcal is an Argentine company that transports metal sheets and provides all types of freight services. The Group's idea is to provide services; We adapt to the client's needs. We are not aggressive commercially, we seek to connect with people, we try to help, assess their weaknesses and work to generate strengths.

We believe that our customers need to focus on sales; we have to solve the logistics part ourselves. This is how we build alliances with the chain that is the logistics sector; we do not participate, we just join forces, each one does their business and we provide the trucks. We try to support the customer, we have to know them and for that we have to go a long way. I try to meet them at fairs, meetings or through an acquaintance or friend, this is our way of working.


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