Understanding that Uruguay needs a first-class space to promote its logistics offer, and that this sector is deeply linked to transportation, EXPOCARGA 2023 takes the initiative to create a specific space for the sector.
EXPOCARGA provides a space where national and international companies can present the country's geostrategic location as a logistics hub, an integrated and complementary platform to the regional network with access to an expanded market of more than 250 million people.
To complete this proposal, the “PROTRANSPORTE: Cargo and Passengers, Logistics, Technology and Infrastructure” Forum will be held, an event where the main actors of national events will discuss the present and future of the sector in Uruguay.
Within this forum, the first “Meeting of students of logistics, foreign trade and related careers” will be held, with the aim of the event being a meeting point for the entire Uruguayan educational apparatus to come together in a favorable environment.
National and international public and private organizations, institutions and companies will create a website where visitors can learn about the sector's offerings.
EXPOCARGA 2023 has secured specific institutional support for the sector : CNCS (Chamber of Commerce and Services of Uruguay), Exporters Union (UE), Chamber of Industries of Uruguay (CIU), CALOG (Uruguayan Chamber of Logistics), CZF (Chamber of Free Trade Zones of Uruguay), ALALOG (Latin American Association of Logistics) and CINOI (Center for Innovation in Industrial Organization of the UM). This is very important because these agreements allow us to distribute free invitations to the event to the respective partners.
In addition to having signed communication exchange agreements with specialized media outlets MOVANT, WEBPICKING and TODO LOGÍSTICA.
Logistic Hub Brand
The promotion of Uruguay as a regional logistics hub is present in several articles of the law that created INALOG; Article 3 explicitly details the institution's attributions, with paragraphs B and G stating the mandate to promote actions to position the country as a provider of logistics services in the region, thus contributing to the establishment of foreign investment.
In this context, the National Logistics Institute carries out a series of actions abroad to publicize and promote the URUGUAY LOGÍSTICO brand, which ends up promoting the country as a regional Hub .
These actions range from visiting specialized fairs, exhibiting at them, participating and exhibiting at specialized forums, participating in and organizing trade missions with the presence of the private sector, among others.
About Inalog
The National Logistics Institute was created by law at the end of 2010, as a result of a unanimous affirmative vote by all political parties on the need to “define a State Policy for the development of the logistics sector” and “make a qualitative leap towards the implementation of the formation of an institute that addresses the issue with a long-term vision” were some of the reasons presented in the parliamentary vote.
After a discussion process that began in 2009 on the form that the body responsible for studying and coordinating efforts in the logistics sector would take, it was concluded that the best option was to create a space for public-private participation through a representative of the activity council. INALOG was thus created as a non-state legal entity authorized to act both nationally and internationally.
When the Institute was created, the promotion of logistics activities in a broad sense, including internal logistics and those associated with foreign trade, was declared to be of national interest.
The responsibilities of the National Logistics Institute include:
A) Promote the professionalization and efficiency of the logistics sector to promote Uruguay as a regional distribution center.
B) Promote the development of logistics through research, extension and dissemination actions.
C) Promote the URUGUAY LOGÍSTICO brand as a quality brand in the national logistics sector.
D) Advise the Executive Branch.
E) Develop and provide information and support services to agents in the national and international logistics sector.
F) Identify the training needs of sector agents.
G) Carry out any other activity leading to the achievement of its objectives.