Grupo Ayala, once again present at EXPOCARGA, is a leading company in the “refueling” sector that once again had a stand at the exhibition located in the corridor of the rooms where the forums took place.
Transporte Carretero spoke with Eduardo Felipez, Director of the company.
What can you tell us about the Ayala Group?
First of all, it is a pleasure to be at EXPOCARGA. The truth is that the exhibition is spectacular, lots of people; this is very good for the cargo transportation sector, which is our specialty in spare parts.
The Ayala Group comprises three companies that are made up of Ayala SA, which is the controlling company; specialists in the heavy line of Mercedes Benz and Volkswagen.
Then we have Yaguarón Import, which is the official distributor of General Motors and Luxy SA; it specializes in bearings and spark plugs, among other items, and is the representative of SKF in Uruguay.
How old is Ayala?
Ayala has been in business for 83 years; it was the first company to move to Galiza Street, passing through Libertador Avenue; before, the refueling area was on the port side. My father told me that they made five invoices a day with three employees; it's incredible to think that they played football right on Galiza Street.
Many things have changed since then. Today, WhatsApp is a very important sales tool. The customer sends photos of what they need, sends the order there, and we receive the interbank transfer. Everything has become easier. I remember that before, making calls there was very complicated, with an indefinite delay. Today, all you need to do is send a WhatsApp message.
Nowadays, service is essential; trucks and buses cannot be left idle due to a lack of spare parts. Transport companies from all over the country call us and we leave with spare parts for Tres Cruces or wherever the buyers indicate; we have always been known for caring about the customer.