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Daniel Braga from Braga Truck: “I always liked challenges and taking a step further”

Once again at EXPOCARGA, BRAGATRUCK was present, a workshop specialized in transport with more than 20 years of experience in the repair and diagnosis of industrial vehicles.

To learn more about the company's services, we spoke with Daniel Braga, director of the company.

Besides the workshop, what other services do you offer?

We have three lines of work. On the one hand, there is the workshop, which is always full; in the heavy line, we are very strong with Scania and Volvo diagnostics; with gearboxes, we have had a lot of experience for 10 years, and we even do work for several colleagues.

The other things we offer are spare parts and brake valve repairs. We have things that no one else offers on the market, and we brought some samples of them to the exhibition. The third line of work we offer is training. This year we innovated with the brakes part and we started with a training course on the urea part in the city of Mercedes with Kluver, where we did very well.

We now have other training sessions on Urea scheduled for 2024 in Tacuarembó, Montevideo, Paysandú and we will possibly return to Soriano.

What new things are you presenting?

There were several new contacts that came out of the previous edition of EXPOCARGA, there were some new ideas that emerged with the motivation of those clients. Personally, I have always liked challenges and going one step further, so now I have put together a model that is the simulation of a miniature trailer that is working with all its details, such as air brakes and speed sensors.

The idea is to be able to show two things: on the one hand, the possibility of making diagnoses and repairs, and on the other hand, we put it together with the idea of doing training, of which we have already done some with the people from Paleson in Tacuarembó and it was really a success.


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